- Malayan Laughingthrush
- Trochalopteron peninsulae
was suggested that the species was endemic to mountains of Malay
Peninsular and it was the split off from closely related forms from the
Himalayas and South China through Thailand and Indochina (several were
formerly grouped together under the name Chesnut-Crowned Laughingthrush
(Garrulax erythrocephalus), but they have know been split into a variety of names put it in a new genus). So far, the only true endemic species to Malay Peninsular is unfortunately one and only one - Malayan laughing thrush!
Peninsular : Refer to whole Peninsular including south Thailand and south
Tenessarim (Myammar) and technically including Singapore, is a
biogeographical range, the only part of the Sunda shelf that is now
connected to mainland Asia.